Commercial & Industrial Properties

All real property in Indiana is assessed by its market value-in-use. According to the state, "The market value-in-use of a property for its current use, as reflected by the utility received by the owner or by a similar user, from the property." Market value-in-use is determined by one of the following approaches: Cost Approach, Sales Comparison Approach, and Income Approach.

If you have recently bought or sold a commercial/industrial property, please fill out a Sales Validation Questionnaire and return it to our office/email. Additionally, if you have an income-producing property and would like to try the Income Approach to determine its market value-in-use, please fill out one of the following surveys.

Commercial & Industrial Surveys

Apartment Survey

Commercial Office Income/Expense Survey

Retail Income/Expense Survey

Residential Medical Facility Income/Expense Survey

Hotel/Motel Survey

General Commercial Survey