Veteran's Assistance Office

The Vigo County Veteran's Assistance office assists all veterans in finding military records. They assist with the filing of claims for benefits for pension and service connected disabilities (compensation). For your convenience there is now a downloadable claim form on the website. The link can be found on the right side under Document Center - Forms and Applications. You will also find the form to request a DD214 (discharge) and the 2011 Federal Benefits Book.
They also assist spouses and dependent children of veterans in filing claims for benefits and educational allowances.
There is free van transportation (for veterans) to medical appointments at the Indianapolis VA Hospital. The van to Indianapolis goes on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. There is also a van to the Danville VA Hospital which runs on Monday and Wednesday's only. 

Call 812-462-3261 for information and to schedule a ride.

They also have various forms for burial benefits, burial markers, GI Bill education benefits, home loans, widow's benefits, property tax exemptions, just to name a few. Office hours are 8AM to Noon, 1PM to 4PM (Monday thru Friday). Closed on Federal holidays.

There is a Veteran's Clinic in Terre Haute. It is located in the strip mall just south of Honey Creek Mall next to Toys R Us. Their phone number is 232-2890 or toll free at 1800-427-5882.