Building Inspections Department

The Vigo County Building Inspections Department is under the control of the County Commissioners and enforces the Vigo County Ordinance and County Building Codes. The inspections department issue's Building, Electric, Plumbing and Demolition permits, and performs inspections on all construction.

They enforce Vigo County Code Chapter 62 ( Unsafe Building Code ), Chapter 52 ( Health Nuisances ), Chapter 47 ( Weed and Vegetation Control ), Chapter 54, ( Junk Vehicles ) and Chapter 61 ( Building Code Ordinance )

They require a copy of State approved plans for all commercial construction, as well as a copy of the design release.

They require any construction that will add square footage to complete an "Improvement Location Permit." This is a three step process involving the Area Planning Department and the Vigo County Board of Health Department.